Sep 25, 2006 13:41
The Killers - Sam's Town
Similar to the first one, about half of it is awesome, but the rest is incredibly boring. 6 out of 10.
best song - For Reasons Unknown
A Static Lullaby (self titled)
Redeeming themselves after their shitfest 2nd album, this pretty much kicks ass all over the place. Minus 2 points by default for being metalcore by the books. Rock out! 8 out of 10
best song - Annexation Of Puerto Rico
Ben Kweller (self-titled also....what ever happened to creativity?)
Redeeming himself after his shitfest 2nd album, this pretty much is cool mellowish, tompettyish stuff all over the place. Still wish he would make more songs like 'wasted and ready' though. 8 out of 10
best song - Nothing Happening
Fear Before The March Of Flames - The Always Open Mouth
I like their new sound better than their old stuff, every song sounded the same, rah rah rah dun dun dun RAH RAH RAH dun dun dun. Much catchier. Some dull parts though. 7 out of 10
best song - Mouth
So the other night we were up in canada, getting all drinkie winkie and stuff, and outside the bar there was this passed out dude, laying straight as pencil, facedown on the sidewalk. Let's call him bob. So nate's brother wakes him up, dude stands up and mumbles something, then lays right back down. He wakes him up again, and he starts walking away, but stopping every few steps to drop trou and moon everyone, repeatedly as he went away down the street, and then eventually wandering into an ice cream parlor, in which I pray for what went down in there. I laughed.