May 22, 2005 04:26
There is a certain someone that I want to see this, but I know they never will, but that doesn't mean the rest of you can't take a peek:
You may hate me
And I don't know why
Anyone would agree
Being with you is the ultimate high
To be with you a while
Put me at ease
And your smile
made me weak in the knees
If you would have me back
Into your life
We could get things back on track
Put an end to this strife
Never again would I do the things
That drove you so far away
I'd gladly pay the ransom of a thousand kings
If I could be with you today
I wrote that the other day. I woke up with the first stanza and went from there. I am not exactly satisfied with the rhyme scheme, especially in the third stanza, but it works. I don't generally use a rhyme in my shit, and you can probably see that from this one, anyways, tell me what you think.