Aug 12, 2003 02:48
10:48 am got home from work an hour ago night shifts really arent as much fun as they are craked up to be although i dont think anyone ever wants to work nights xcept for the money which i am making a lot more of nowadays thank u very much i think i am gonna start working lots of overtime cuz i could really do with an extra 400 dollars a month i think i shoudl work myself into the ground that would make me happy cuz then my rich brother would take pity on me and pay for some of my schooling when i move back to the states we shall see how that goes if it is anything like this week i will prolly never do any over time cuz seriously i go to work at 9.30pm get back at 9.30 am go to sleep and wake up and go back to work it really isnt that great i am lucky i have no real friends over here cuz i would certainly be neglecting them by now i have to work all weekend which kinda sucks well it would if i had anything to do i dunno i am just rambling i dunno whats up i guess i am just tired i want cereal right now i bought some on my way home from work and then it turns out we have no milk, georgina is down at the store picking up the essentials for our survival so that is a good thing i need to start eating agian cuz since i started working nights eating has become difficult cuz i dont seem to have time for it bvut hey i guess that is a new diet trend i can start oh wait starving urself has been around for a while those people all over africa have got it down, i am a bad person for saying that it was mean any africans with live journal who ever read this i apologise okay i am done before i get myself into more trouble