(no subject)

Aug 01, 2005 09:24

More reasons I am for less (basically none) government:

1. George Bush wags his finger in everyones face and says that he will have his way so appoints John Bolton without the senate's approval.

2. My Mother and Father-in-law didn't get their way yesterday (their 16-yr-old son was at our house and didn't want to go home to them freaking out on him for a couple of days. they did come over to get him but wouldn't make him go themselves )- so they call the cops and they show up at our door (!!! fgljkfuc*!) Not only that...they asked "mind if we come in" to which I turned to ask Steve what he thought about that and before we gave verbal approval they stepped in our house. That is flat out AGAINST THE LAW. We didn't even break the law!

I (we) are pretty upset and hurt about the whole thing- so pray for our extended family (my parents have now been dragged into it as "counselors" but thank God I think they will be the ones to talk some sense and speak truth to my in-laws). I know this will blow over but they need some counselling. We love them too much to see them completely destroy their relationships with their children and extended family.

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