Sign petition to keep raw almonds legal

Sep 02, 2007 10:39

Governmental control of whole foods is WRONG. This is a FREE country and free adults have the right to choose their food.

The latest is the USDA has mandated that ALL almonds be pasturized due to only 2 cases of salmonella (in conventional, not organic) almonds. Raw foods, including nuts provide essential enzymes that we should have the right to choose to consume. If you are afraid of "bugs" and like to pasturize all your food- go ahead and buy the pasturized stuff, it is available. But leave some whole foods unaltered for those of us who choose to consume it.

This is frightening and following suit with Canada who has made ALL raw milk illegal (and some states in the US...thank God I live in California).

Hello, if we are going outlaw "dangerous" things first go for trans fats, junk foods and cigarettes. Heck, why not raw spinach...there have been WAY more cases of salmonella outbreak in raw spinach haha.

But seriously, pasturization is false protection anyways. There have been countless cases of salmonella outbreaks in pasturized food even.

As you can see, I am all about raw whole foods. Even if that isn't your thing please go to this website sign the petition below anyways in the name of freedom of choice:
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