Feb 06, 2009 22:42
I think I've spent a whole 2 years trying to figure out who I'm supposed to be, so that I would forget who I'm becoming. What I've turned into. I've settled, but I don't want to admit it. This is me- and it's so very messed up. How did I get here?
I was meant for big things. We all were, really. God didn't create us to just merely exist, yet to do something. Something! I need to stop bumming around and do something. Something big. Something productive. I don't want to sky dive just to say I did it, I want something more. I want to make a difference. No, not environmentally; I don't care about the Ozone layer. To change the world, even if it's in the slightest, most unnoticeable way. I guess I could start by being less of a bitch, and progress from there.....
I've been working so hard to be heard that I forgot what it is I need to say.