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yar har har piratequeen06 June 7 2004, 19:58:57 UTC
01. who are you, what's our relationship: Pidge...we write musicals.......the dope ass kind
03. how long have you known me: lots of years
05. when you first saw me what was your impression: "Oh...you wear glasses..." ::chuckle::
06. my age and birthday: 16, it's sometime in january, or one of those other months....
09. have you ever had a crush on me: ::sigh:: you're right, these questions are annoying....
11. do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you: oh, hold on the doorbell is ringing...ok, um, to answer the question, NO, i don't remember
15. would you ever date me: derp ::chuckle::
16. tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: BRRRRRNNNT
17: what do you like most about me: heh, you do funny stuff, and give me answers to chemistry...stuff
22. what do you think my weakness is: ....freshman
25. what reminds you of me: horns, spoons, Arnold Swarzenegger, mad wimpy pirates, guitar picks...also, things that start with "p"
28. is our friendship getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same: stronger, arrrgh!
30. if you could change one thing about me, what would it be: I'd make you a better pirate, arrrgh!
31. do i cross your mind at least once a day: Obviously, seeing as i see you more than once a day....arrrgh!


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