
Dec 13, 2010 21:55

I have a verse on my mind and I have a desire to obey it.

You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. ~1 Corinthians 6:20

For much of my life I've allowed my feelings to dictate how I respond to many of life's circumstances:

If I'm frustrated I waste time and bury myself in entertainment
If I'm anxious I avoid it until I absolutely have to do so
If I'm angry at someone I shut down or withold good from them

If I have needs and desires... my first instinct has been primarily to look somewhere other than God. Over and over again I'd run to these things... if they failed me I would only run to them twice as hard. Sometimes I wonder if the main reason I don't do much of that today is because I got sick off of that... like a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes in a single sitting. Plain and simple I knew I wouldn't be satisfied.

What I've found is that only God satisfies and trusting Him for your needs is the only way to be at peace. There are so many reasons to fear God and avoid him... these were all put to rest by Christ setting aside all of his rights and going to the cross on our behalf. Shame did not get in his way... fear of man didn't get in his way... his rights and priveledges didn't get in the way. So if you have something in your way... give it to God. He alone can take it.

Therefore honor God with your body. He knows whats best.
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