Easy Bake Oven

Feb 08, 2007 10:59

I feel the need to comment on the fact that the Easy-Bake Oven is being recalled due to safety concerns. And in a few short sentences I will tell you why I find this so ridiculous.

1. There has been only 29 reports of these so called "injuries." That's right, 29 out of countless millions. Is it worth the time, money, and headache for all involved? I'd say certainly not, it's a pain in the ass for the parents, toy stores, and for the company Hasbro.

2. Most of the children that were injured were "significantly younger" than the minimum age recommended to use the Easy-Bake, which is 8 years old. In fact these kids were in the range of 3-5 years of age. WTF!? They weren't even old enough to be using the toy, yet we feel it necessary to recall the item because the retarded parents were passed out drunk while there toddlers were making cupcakes!

3. Back in my day, toys could kill ya, that's just the way it was. Maybe I'm old school (hard to believe since I'm still in my twenties) But when you played, you got cut, scraped, bruised, beaten, knocked out, and yes even burned. That's part of being a kid. If you were stupid enough to stick your hand in an Easy-Bake Oven well, you got what you deserved and certainly learned your lesson.

This is just another ridiculous "wimpifying" of America, and our youth. It won't be long before someone comes out with some sort of a safety bubble. I can see the tag line now. "The world is a dangerous place, keep your kid safe in the all new Safe-T-Bubble, where your child will be protected not only from everything in the real world, but also themselves."

Give me a break.
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