Apr 03, 2005 13:23
1)Sarah didn't tell me to do ANYTHING!! I thought that the talk would be fun to talk about....I didnt do anything! She didnt tell me to do anything!
2) I came up to you both because i wanted to talk to you both
3) I didnt giver her a look! She smiled at me and i smiled back! GOD! SUE ME FOR SMILING!
4)You need to get your facts straight!
5)I am NOT involved in this fight between you and Sarah nor do I wanna be! So please KEEP ME OUT OF IT! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING! I TRIED TO TALK TO YOU BOTH BUT NO< YOU HAVE TO BE PARANOID AND THINK I AM DOING "Backstabbing" things BEHIND YOUR BACKS AND I'M NOT!!!!!!!!! I'm not that kind of a person....I dont do that kind of stuff let alone to my friends. Unless you dont consider me your friend anymore and I didnt even do ANYTHING except try to talk to you cuz u looked lonely or whatever and since i thought i was being friendly to sarah, i smiled back. and then you write about stuff that didnt even happen1!!!! Sarah told her to ask me....etc. SHE DIDNT ASK ME TO DO ANYTHING! EVEN IF SHE DID, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WOUD LISTEN TO HER?!?!?! EXACTLY! So just get ur facts straight and i kno i'm gonna get hell in school for this comment tomorrow....but i should be giving you guys hell too and all i'm saying is the truth.I dont want this to get in our friendship and it shouldnt be. Especially for something i didnt even do. IT WAS A FRIGGIN SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND AN ATTEMPT TO TALK TO MY FRIENDS THAT TURNED OUT HORRIBLE!!
That's the comment i left in Amy's lj. Read hers. Then you might figure some stuff out. You know. That really pisses me off when people are so paranoid that they make up things in their minds that dont even happen! So really, Amy andJulie, get over it. I didnt do anything nor did Sarah at CCD today. OK?!?!? GOD! So yea, I went to a musical with Sarah on Friday night at Bishop McCort. It was good and fun. Yea. SO then the Pope died and I was all depressed but then i talked to my friends and felt better. Then we went to Altoona and I saw a hoodie and pants that say Swim and i wanted them reaaaaaaaallllllllllly bad but i wasnt allowed to get them because Easter was just here and I'm never satisfied. I cried because i wanted them sooo bad i cant tell you! But, i'll be ok. So then, CCD happened. My mom and I were going to go the basket thingy but decided not to. We got to wash clothes instead! HOW FUN! So yea. Sarah has play practice from 1-5....wow. man that musical takes over ppls lives. So yea. Erica talked about me behind my back at her unparty with brianna. and she denies it. lying is only going to make things worse. so yea. Wow. Loooong entry. ok, well, later peeps...