Please dont judge me ...

Feb 20, 2006 00:22

Life is full of curveballs.

In the last two years i haven't had a drink or done any drugs, and ive never felt so good. I feel stronger physically, emotionally, and mentally, and it is probably in large part due to the fact that i have been apart of Straight Edge.

It was a while ago i was feeling bad about a lot of my life, and i decided that Straight Edge would give me some sort of guidance, something to be proud of, and some reason to keep me away from what i felt was dragging me down at the time.

Recently, things have started to change. I have found myself questioning whether i deserve to call myself Straight Edge, and whether i can relate to *some* of the people that partake in straight edge and their reasonings behind it.

I would be lying if i said that in the last two years there were no times where i felt like it would be fun, and harmless to have a night drinking. 99% of the time i have felt great, and not even felt the slightest temptation to drink or do any drugs, but there have been a few occasions for sure. It was with this realisation that i decided that i could no longer consider myself, or call myself straight edge.

I strongly beleive that true Straight Edge kids should never feel that temptation, and i dont want to have to force myself into something that maybe im not.

Im so glad that i took that path in life, but once again, my path has changed direction slightly.

Im not walking away from straight edge so i can go and get fucked up like most sell-outs, im going to take away from my time with the edge a lot of valuable lessons, and an awesome feeling of self confidence that i never really had before. I have grown much much stronger because of it, and ill never regret it or anything i said. I will never go back to how i was -an alcoholic with no social skills or self esteem. I will only move on in life not backwards from now on.

I still beleive that people who rely on alcohol/drugs to solve their problems are looking in the wrong place, i still think its sad that people get stuck into a state of addiction through drug use and alcohol consumption, and i still think its better to be straight than it is to be drunk. And Minor Threat is still my favourite band!!!

I think that i will no doubt cop a bit of flack for this, but to be honest there are only a few people that are straight edge that i care about, and hopefully they know there is more to me than some shallow faggot who cant hold onto his convictions.

This ends yet another chapter of my life... the trials and tribulations of Steven J. Hopperton, thanks for reading, Only god can judge me.
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