--- Hikari-chan used his beautiful long slender fingers to divide the fillet into two halves~
He obviously did NOT expect himself to be attacked just after a split second... ...
The attacker/aggressor/abuser (Yabu) still couldn't take his eyes off his prey!!!
Perhaps he's planning for another attack?! innocent & careless Hika was~!!!
THE MOMENT ----------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yabu Kota totally resembles a hungry wolf that has been desperately looking for his target/victim for daysss~ (actually, he looks more like a FISH to me LOL)
Yabu-kun's totally sucking Hika's fingers lol SUCKING!!!!! *dies*
Hika was shocked for a sec but still tried to feed his idol (he's no.1Yabu fangirl, rt?)~~~
I LOVE YY JUMPing~~~ Sooo many lovely YabuHika moments <3
<<チュウは二度目さ>> (Chuu wa nidome sa)
(JUMP BAND lyrics color-code: Hika/Yabu/Yuto/Keito/Inoo)
ジ リ ジ リ 迫 る 男 に は Question
jiri jiri semaru otoko ni wa Question
ま だ ま だ 操 を 捧 げ る Angel
mada mada misao wo sasageru Angel
支 離 滅裂 な 心 は Fake Out
shiri metsuretsu na kokoro wa Fake Out
ギ リ ギ リ 限 界 が 見 え た Twenty
giri giri genkai ga mieta Twenty
ビ リ ビ リ 来 る よ う な 出 会 い は Nothing
biri biri kuru you na deai wa Nothing
妄 想 癖 は 産 ま れ 持 っ た Flaver
mousou heki wa umare motte Flaver
What can need so return to light
What can need so return to light
誰 に 出 せ る ん だ こ の Beat
dare ni daserun da kono Beat
少 し 焦 ら し た 視 線 も
sukoshi jirashita shisen mo
僕 だ っ て キ ミ が 思 う ほ ど
boku datte kimi ga omou hodo
子 供 じ ゃ な い ん だ っ て
kodomo janain datte
So just be I love you
So just be I love you
ナ ン だ っ て 教 え て あ げ る
nan datte oshiete ageru
キ ミ だ っ て も う 分 か っ て る
kimi datte mou wakatteru
は ず て し ょ も う 僕 ら
hazutesho mou bokura
初 め て じ ゃ な い っ て さ
hajimete janai ttesa
キ ミ が 言 っ て
kimi ga itte
Chu Chu Chu Chu the two times
Chu Chu Chu Chu the two times
This is the coolest JUMP BAND song EVER!!!
Hika kissed his bass when he sang the line "nan datte oshiete ageru" =3=
And Yabu's straight-into-the-sky HIGH NOTES "shouts" in this song are lovely! Great singer, great star!
Yuto+his drum = kakkoi & kills fangirls *__*
This song has been sticking in my head since JAN...5 months lol But I still love it !!! saikou~