[Breaking NEWS+Report]PhotoBook+Tokyo DOME CON! (YabuHika’s Deep kissXD)

Jul 29, 2009 18:38

HSJ Tegoku Summer Concert 2009- 29th July, 2009
Before MC today, they held a Press Conference in the concert.

Reporter: Congratulations for accomplishing the first ever 1-week-concert in Yokohama Arena!!!
Reporter: Did anything special happen during this concert tour?
Hika: Yesterday I accidentally misused Yabu-kun’s toothbrush~
Reporter: So that’s an indirect Deep Kiss ne~ 8D (間接ディープキスですね)
Fans: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
Yabu: Then… I’ll take revenge~(仕返します)

Half way through the press conference, Yabu kun announced 2 things.
First… JUMP’s gonna release a photo album in Autumn, using pictures taken in this Tengoku Summer Concert☆
That’s why Yabu kept saying “We’ll see again in Autumn” all the time~
They brought cameras into the concert today~ It seemed the fans had also been taken into the photo album ^^

The Second thing is…
9/13(Sun.) JUMP will have a concert in Tokyo Dome!!!
The title of the concert is “EMERGENCY SPECIAL CONCERT COMFIRMED!!
Hey! Say! JUMP in Tokyo DOME”
Yabu: “Maybe something will happen?! Please look forward to this performance!!!(なにが起こるかわからない!?お楽しみ公演!!)
Yabu didn’t receive the call about they gonna have a press conference today until the last 5 minutes before the concert began~

Yama-chan: Wanna make it as successful as KAT-TUN did~

Oh yay~ Photo album with our 10 lovely boys<333 A MUST-buy ne ^^

I admire the reporter so much!!! DEEP KISS between my YabuHika~!
And I wonder what is the “revenge” Yabu’s gonna take 8D
Is it to use Hika’s toothbrush OR DIRECTLY DEEP KISS…

Actually, I think this could be a nightmare for Hika XP
coz Hika has obsession with hygiene and cleaniness~ He said he can't even accept sharing a drink with his girlfriend!!!!! So sharing a TOOTHBRUSH with someone must sound even more disgusting for him >< ...Yet, he seemed proudly saying this out to the public today...
which could mean... Hika really love Yabu-kun XD No boundaries love <3 Unconditional LOVE as always ne, Hikari-chan~

news, fan report

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