Alright, first I'll deal with a few current events. Apparently Bush wants to let American employees continue doing their job in the same location under the same perimeters under the parent company of an organization that happens to be based in an Arab country. Holy shit he's selling us out! His Republican comrades, who I do not think have done an iota of research, thinks that this will lead to us getting the shit bombed out of us somehow. Or rather, as my father astutely pointed out, are afraid that's what will happen, because if it is this port thing is the first place their opponents will go. But I'm with Bush on this one, not the clattering masses. (Surprised?) It is sending the wrong message to the Arab world if, as soon as a British company switches to an Arab one (one that has been nothing but helpful to us since 9/11), we pull out of there. It's foolish and it's making us look like bigots. We can't presume that simply because their geographical area of origin, they're helping terrorists. Moreso, I've heard "some 9/11 terrorists came from here!" Well guess what, guys? Some of them got in from Canada too, but you don't see us screwing the Canucks on business deals.
Also, there's some guy in California whose execution has been given a stay (surprised?) because it would hurt. Now I have a long track record of being against the death penalty on principle. On principle. But acknowleding that, if the death penalty must exist, and it hurts, I'm fine with it. Did they expect death to be painless? Is that a civil right now? Fucktons of free citizens have painful deaths every day. No where in the constitution are you guaranteed to go out painlessly, especially if you rape and murder a 17-year-old girl.
In other news, I added the Ultimate Avengers movie to my Netflix queue, so I'll get around to it sometime. There are about 300 other movies there to keep it company now.
And speaking of superheroes, I keep hoping the Superman Returns movie doesn't end up being ubercheesy, but in that light
this does not bode well. Okay, yeah, the missle catching is pretty cool I guess, but I was hoping we could see a more human Superman story, perhaps without battling a Skeletor Gundam.
Finally, Engadget had a really nice interview with
Reggie recently, touching on a lot of Nintendo-related subjects. I know this will further out me as a fanboy, but I love that man. He's unapologetically blunt about everything, and his comments on the focus of the other two systems (while biased) are incredibly spot-on. Go Reginator.
Also, I have heard the Vienna, and it is good. Reviews of a couple of her albums and that Rosanne Cash one will be coming up soon, hopefully along with AC Newman and Kate Rusby. I have a very full schedule.