I havn't written for a while but yesterday was worth mentioning.
The last day of term was chock full of chocolate, some tears from a disgruntled colleague and a general excitement at the longest school term had come to an end.
I left early and had a great session at the gym ( I've been going for a month) and all was set for the 5pm taxi to arrive. It didn't. Four phonecalls and half an hour later it arrives, by which point Stephen and I are tense. 15 minutes later we are in a traffic jam and the fare is triple what it would normally be.
We ran from the cab and walked as quickly as we could to the airport hoping we'd make the flight. Sweaty and exhausted we arrived in time. Thankfully we'd done web check in.
Flight was fine but we had to wait for an hour to pick up our car! Standing for that length of time whilst borish men complained about the wait.
Then we had a fight in the car over directions. Afterall, it was nearly 11pm by this point.
The upgraded room turned out to be a mushroom toned walk-in wardrobe of a room but the bed was very comfortable.
Looking forward to absolutely doing nothing today.
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