Jan 31, 2009 21:22
Today began in one of those shitty moods which had much to do with the Strongbow I had last night. Anyway, woke feeling alone and unloved and resisted meditating. A text from Annik indicated that there was a big clean up at Phillip Street today NOT tomorrow as I was lead to believe. Feeling all mopy and left out (Awwww... petal!) I sent a flurry of impertinent texts to Andrew. One strong coffee later I was on my way to their house listening to the Green Tara mantra on my iPhone as a way of helping me take that anger at being left out and transform it into some useful box-moving energy.
It worked but it was hard work, both externally and internally.
The move went well but they were all so very tired already.
During this my mood shifted and I was able to laugh and enjoy their sweaty company. Kate rang and we arranged, despite the heat, to meet up in the city for some book shopping.
By now I was feeling very light and connected. I bought a coffee for Chris at Bodhi books because she was desperate and couldn't leave the shop. Saw Ed and Sabine as I was buying the coffee...
Back to Black Star for more truly excellent coffee and quiche, then on jolly Shadowfax (my vespa) for jaunt into town to meet Kate at Borders. Shopping, wandering, many books acquired and coffee (again) was consumed. We talked religion, writing and other lesser but equally delightful fripperies. Such fun.
After goodbyes, I rode literally into the sunset for a takeaway curry and some mindless internet time (sorry, Kate, no writing unless you count this!)
Oh and I had another Strongbow. I'm positively a lush now!