May 04, 2004 16:45
Abortion?: I don't believe anyone has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body. In the end, the woman who chooses to have it, and the doctor who performs it are the ones who has to live with it.
Death Penalty?: God gave life, and only he has the right to take it.
Prostitution?: If people are willing to do it, and people are willing to pay for it, I don't think anyone should deny a person's right to stupidity.
Alcohol?: I'm all for it....obviously.
Marijuana?: It is not a drug, and it should be legalized.
Other drugs?: There aren't many I think should be legal, but I don't have a lot to say on this topic.
Gay marriage?: I'm anti-marriage for everyone. I think it is an old-fashioned institution.
Illegal immigrants?: If they want to live in our country, they should speak our language and observe our traditions.
Smoking?: I don't like it in small enclosed locations, but people have a right to do what they want to their own bodies.
Drunk driving?: If you get a DUI, your license should be revoked. No exceptions.
Cloning?: I have no opinion.
Racism?: I think it's way past time for real racism to be over.
Premarital sex?: Nothing wrong with it...Hell, I've even done it once or twice.
Religion?: Freedom to choose. I have my own ideas, beliefs and values, but as I learn, I evolve.
The war in Iraq?: It was something started by the first Bush administration, and his son wanted to finish it. It is more about cultural imperialism than freeing an oppressed people. Why should we spend so much money on taking care of other people when there are so many of our own sufferring?
Bush?: He will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever.
Downloading music?: It is helpful at times, but I don't think people should download entire albums.
The legal drinking age?: If you're old enough to vote, and kill for your country, you should be old enough to have a drink.
Porn?: I'm jacking off right now....j/k
Suicide?: Only God has the right to take a life, but if you choose to do God's work, you also choose to deal with the consequences.