Title: Preywound
Type: Slash, first time, hidden scenes, TV
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing/s: Jeremy/Tyler (Jyler, Emocub)
Episode Setting: Somewhere between Season 1‘s Episode 11 “Bloodlines” and Episode 12 “Unpleasantville”
Word Count: 3804
Summary: Having grown tired of his history project for Mr Saltzman, Jeremy overhears Matt and Elena talking downstairs and gets to a spot of craftiness. Since his attempts to have Tyler respond to him directly haven’t worked, Jeremy uses Matt’s phone to text him and invite him over. The two go on to bicker and in time, some confessions are made. Naughtiness ensues, and neither of them expected it…or did they? Either way, it seems like the boys have finally come to some arrangement.
NOTE: Full warnings after link. Previous chapter included.
Preywound - Chapter 2 [ Hooked ] Preywound - Chapter 1 [ The Taste of Licking Wounds ]