Title: Shattered Watch (Chapter 1 of 12)
Fandom(s): Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America
Characters: Tony Stark and Steve Rogers
Pairing(s): Tony Stark/Steve Rogers
Rating: R
Summary: All Tony Stark wanted to do was enjoy his last year at M.I.T. before his father dragged him back home to work for S.I. That was thrown a little off kilter by a small, teenie, tiny bump in the road.
Steve Rogers, the Steve Rogers, as in Captain America - even if he was pre-serum - somehow got himself time-whammied from the year 1942 to 2002, which was fun. It was great. All good. Except it honestly wasn’t because Steve Rogers was a bit of a dick, and he really needed to get back to 1942 because of space-time continuum reasons.
When Steve got thrown into the year 2002, Tony Stark was his only hope in getting back home. Except, neither of them seemed to be able to be around one another without constantly stomping on one another’s feet, which shouldn’t have really been a problem, what with Steve having to get back home, which happened to be sixty years in the past. Key word: shouldn’t.
It got a little more problematic when he started to fall for the genius and vice versa. Now he had to decide whether to go back home to 1942, or stay in the future and be with Tony Stark.
Genres: Comedy, Slash, Romance, Alternate Universe: Cannon Divergence, Smut, Hurt/Comfort.
Warnings: None
Word count: 4388
Links to Story:
https://alexrogersstark.livejournal.com/285.html ArchiveofOurOwn: