Sep 29, 2004 22:10
hmmm...why does nothing ever go right for me?...can sum1 tell me that... u no i was jus thinkin about it and it totally changed my mood i was juss like in a goodish mood i gess but now im not, arghhh, like i think nothing has gone right for me at all within the last week, maybe even month besides getting that snapple for 5 cents, just like one bad thing after another, hmmm i could tell u like so many things but i dont feel like it cuz i dont, but if u no me then u wud no sum of them, i wud think but then theres other smaller things tha jus keep going rongi think i may be cursed, nothing rarely ever good happens to me at all for like o along time, i seriously think im cursed, ughh not like any of u wud seem to care neway, your all like o shit this crazy whiteboy psychooo he bout to jump off a bridge and land in a fishing boat and die(haha rik n george) o ight well anyway yeah things suk now and im in a bad mood so ragbagah to u all...until whenever...