Aug 06, 2007 15:12
So everyone is trickling into town for the wedding.
Yenny and Theo flew in from Amsterdam Sat.
Kirsty flew in from Sheffeild yesterday.
Peter and kids drove up fom Tennesse.
my family is awesome.
chris's family is pretty funny.
here are some highlights...
sandy(chris's mum): its Caribanabanabananananananaaaa! so many jiggy-pops in town.
Mark (chris's bro): upon seeing his uncle pull out a telescope to see stars "just like a parkins, it takes $2000 worth of metal to over-compensate"
yenny (my aunt): the only place that gives a halfway decent massage is kuala lampur.
sandy: falls drunk into pool: "good thing i'm a nudist!" proceeds to take off wt clothes in front of 30 guests.
yenny and theo: conspiritotially, "are there any decent homo bars in town?" launches into speech on how fun it is to live in amsteram.
jim (mom's boyfriend): I HATE BIRDS! THERE! I SAID IT!!!!
Kirsty(mg's friend/transcontnental bridesmaid): cockney jibberish.