"So even when he's good he's all Mr. Billowy Coat - King of Pain."

Apr 24, 2004 13:13

There are a large amount of you that I haven't heard anything from for an age. Well, okay, four, but still. You suck. Talk to me.

(Yep, that'll work)

Finally recovered from the mother of all hangovers. (Note to self: drinking ten vodka and cokes one after another in rapid succession is not a good idea, especially if you want to remember what you did, and not feel like shit the next day). Binge drinking, eh? I'm almost tempted to vow never to drink alcohol again, but we all know that that's never going to happen.

In other news, I want this keyboard.

Actually, that's pretty much it. And you who haven't spoken to me for ages, a pox on both your houses. (You know I'm joking, right?)
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