(no subject)

Feb 27, 2005 11:14

So people have been asking for an update. Here it is.

With School I attend 4 days a week. Work currently 3 days a week... but starting this week that is upping to 4 days. Miles is on "maternity" leave and I can't afford to say no. I have a bad attitude about things. I miss spending time with my friends. Thank god Jason is a champ or I'd probably throw myself off the balcony. We went to paper moon diner last night after I worked 9am - 9pm in Annapolis. (just so you know that's almost an hour away. Right now I have to leave in 30 minutes to go back to work. If my poverty would cut me some slack... that would be nice. Also I have a band... but whats the use? I'm exhausted all the time and the band has to drive 2 hours to get there because we can't afford a rehearsal space. but oh come to the show on saturday We'd love to see you there and it will actually be FUN. Unlike the rest of my retarded sign language laden life. ARGH.

I can't wait until the end of the semester and I'm generally a grumpy little bitch. Shannon called me on Friday night and I was like "I'm reserving the saturday march 19th for YOU!... we're going to Holy Frijoles and having POMEGRANATE MARGARITAS!!" and she was like "god that's in like a MONTH" and its horrible cuz I was thinking "Wow I get to actually hang out with shannon in only 3 WEEKS!" So that plunged me into a deep depression. After this semester I will no longer be a full time student and I'll be getting a full time job so things will be better. Jason will also not be in such a hectic time so hopefully Late May will be a cause for celebration. If I make it.

So are you all happy now? I know I am... its nice to vent.
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