Title: Don't Call the Witchdoctor, I've Got You Covered
Collection: Surfboards and Pineapple Pizza
Rating: G
Content of Note: none
Written for:
sd_ldwsWeek 1 -- Challenge cliche/genre was "enforced bed-sharing" and the prompt was "gravity"
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny
Word Count: 419
Notes: I knew there were probably going to be plenty of hotel/incorrectly booked rooms/only one bed drabbles written and wanted something different. Then, as I was trying to figure out what to write, I caught a cold and had to endure some nasty, vile cough syrup to get rid of it. Then I decided that if I had to suffer, Danny did, too…and then this happened. Edited a bit for flow and clarity and to get rid of that embarrassing tense switch toward the end. >_>
It's a traditional Hawaiian remedy. What's the worst that could happen? Also, may I have an author tag, please?