Title: Explosive Meeting
Characters: Danny Williams, Steve McGarrett, Grace Williams, Meka Hanamoa; other peripheral characters
Fandom: Hawaii Five-O AU
Summary: Danny Williams is a Major in the Army and a single father, he’s just fine with his life. But slight miscalculation by the EOD and he’s got a whole new set of complications he wasn’t looking for.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, including military jargon
Disclaimer: No one recognizable belongs to me and I kinda slid them sideways. Also I did something I hate doing and took some liberties with the military here. Sorry!
Author's Note: So a few weeks ago,
swing_set13 posted an old picture of Scott Caan…with no hair. No really, he had pretty much no hair. Actually he had a buzzcut and made the comment that it looked like Danny had joined the military…I said I might need to poke at that and this is what I ended up with. I actually ended up with this and then two other little stories…so the links to those are at the end of this since they take place after this.
For those of you not up on military lingo, I’ve included definitions at the end.
Explosive Meeting Title: An Afternoon Distraction
Characters: Danny Williams/Steve McGarrett
Fandom: Hawaii Five-O AU
Summary: Danny just wants to distract Steve for a little bit, but things doesn’t go as planned.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied relationship
Disclaimer: No one recognizable belongs to me
Author's Note: A continuation of the military verse started in “Explosive Meeting” for
swing_set13 .
An Afternoon Distraction Title: Unwelcome Visitor
Characters: Danny Williams/Steve McGarrett, Grace Williams
Fandom: Hawaii Five-O AU
Summary: Settled into a new home life now, Danny and Grace’s life is thrown into upheaval when someone from their past shows up.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Boys kissing, cliff-hanger, sorry
Disclaimer: No one recognizable belongs to me
Author's Note: Last part of the three stories I wrote for
swing_set13 . Yes, I know this one cliffhangers, but at the moment this is where I’m ending it. Sorry.
Unwelcome Visitor