FIC: The Harvest

Jun 25, 2014 23:29

Title: The Harvest
Author: indehed
Raing: Mature
Length: 14k approx
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Author's note: Thanks to Paulette for the beta.
Yes, it's the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fusion you never expected or knew you wanted... yes, it's another AU from me. Quelle surprise.
The first story (of two planned for the 'verse cos I have other things to write) is a fusion of the H50 pilot and the Buffy 2-part pilot. More or less. You'll see.

Summary: In every generation there are a Chosen few. Those who will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. They are the Slayers.

Part 1 of Danny the Vampire Slayer
You can read it on AO3 Thanks!

author: indehed, fiction: slash, rating: pg-13, fic genre: au, fic: steve/danny, fic genre: first time

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