These were written for the Word of the Day at
1_million_words. Each chapter is 100 words exactly. A few of the chapters are related in some way.
related chapters
08-03 Deprecate and 08-04 Objurgate
08-06 Nescience, 08-11 Glower and 08-13 Desultory
08-15 Irascible, 08-16 Acumen, 08-17 Scion, 08-19 Multifarious, 08-20 Sublunary, 08-23 Inclement, 08-24 Kobold, 08-26 Regale, 08-27 Mordant, 08-28 Agog, 08-29 Captious and 08-31 Knell
08-21 Ebullient and 08-22 Gewgaw
Read them all