Title: Glow'verse Interlude: Touch of Death
Author: indehed
Raing: R
Length: 5k (21k total)
Genre: AU (vampires/magic)
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Spoilers/Warnings: specific for the NCIS LA crossover episodes and possible for anything leading up to it.
Author's note:
Thanks to Paulette for the beta!
Summary: Steve and Danny continue to delve into details about the elusive Shelburne without Joe's help as he is called away, promising that someone else would be coming to help continue Danny's magic training. They are interrupted by a case that will unite Five-0 with the NCIS Special Operations based in LA. And by the end of the case, maybe someone there might be able to shed some more light on just what the hell Danny is and what his magic is for.
This is story 6 in the Night/Light 'verse.
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AO3 Thanks!