Rapunzel Hawaii 5-0 Style by BymagaJones 13 & 14/26

Jun 09, 2013 08:30

Pairings: Steve/Danny, Kono/Chin

Rating:  M, just in case, for some cursing, making out, and a little light lovin’

Final Word Count: over 70,000 (I have NO IDEA how this happened.  I tried to shorten it, but the story refused to move at a faster pace.)

Author’s Notes: This story became stuck in my head a long time ago, and I finally wrote it for 2011 NaNoWriMo.  It’s taken me this long to complete it and revise it.  It is complete, though.  I will be posting around two chapters a day until it’s all up.

Summary: This is extremely AU, where Steve’s the prince of Hawaii, Danny’s stuck in a tower, Kono’s a mage, Chin’s still zen, and Grace is a princess who can fling a verbal barb like a pro.  In this world there be dragons, surfing, button down shirts, ties, and magic scrolls - and where Chin and Kono are very, very, very distant cousins.  Any attempt to fit this into an actual, real historical time period will result in a headache.  So just roll with it.

** NOTE: I managed to post these chapters yesterday to AO3, WWOMB, and fanfic.net; I just ran out of time before I could post this notification. So, here it is!

You can read it at any and all of the following places:

Master post with chapter breakdown on LJ, or

AO3 , or



rating: r, fiction: slash, author: bymagajones, fic genre: au, fic: steve/danny, fic genre: romance

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