Title: Seeing a Light (A Face in the Crowd)
Author: indehed
Raing: R
Length: 11k
Genre: AU (vampires)
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Spoilers/Warnings: possessive!Steve, slight D/s tones if you squint, takes place as an AU to the pilot so only spoilers are for 1.01
Author's note: I have no idea where my brain came up with this. The vampire mythology I use is influenced by The Lair, The Vampire Diaries and Moonlight (for some recognizable elements that I can tell are in here) but is pretty much a general mishmash of random vampire lore. Hopefully it's all understandable!
Title from the song ‘Jealousy’ by Will Young.
Thanks to
tkeylasunset for the beta!
Summary: Steve McGarrett has been chasing Victor Hesse for almost two centuries. When the trail leads him back to Hawai'i, Steve meets the Detective investigating his relative's case and is shocked by the man's resemblance to his old partner, from decades ago.
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AO3 mods: this is my first post, and first fic in the fandom, hope I did everything right, thanks!