Title: Salt Author:alba17 Pairing: Steve/Danny Rating: NC-17 Length: ~300 words Summary: There's a whole world in the taste of Danny's lips. A/N: Inspired by my own prompt atcomment_fic, saltwater.
Title: Scar Tissue Pairings/Characters: Danny, Steve, Grace, Kono Summary: Danny comes clean about why he doesn’t swim. Steve helps. Rating: PG Content: Hurt/comfort, pre-slash. Takes place before 2.19. Warnings: [Click to read]prior death of an OC, PTSD, mild description of a flashback and panic attack Word Count: 5242 Author's Notes: Written for eumelia as part of h50_exchange. Huge thanks to verasteine for her insightful and quick beta and to the mods for their patience.