May 13, 2008 03:02
Dear everyone I know here.
> Our first ever Children's book "The Lost Kingdom" is now in the
> final round of the publishing contest it was entered in!
> We are so far Nr 7 in the ranking and need that one last final ounce
> of support from you all to win a bonafide publishing contract!!
> :)
> We appreciate all the support you all have given us thus far.
> (If you have not done by now, now is the time hehehehehe! )
> Here below is the last thing everyone needs to do directly from the
> writer herself, my Nikki Bennett!
> Thanks again so much for helping us get as far as we can in this
> endeavor.
Plase pass this on to all we know in coomon.
> See you all soon on the road somewhere soon..
( I'm rolling out to Jacon in Fla this weekend followed by Las Vegas with Nikki for my bro-in-law's wedding, and then Anime North in Toronto Canada! )
Much love,
> Steve Bennett
> Illustrator
> Nikki Bennett
> Writer
> Hello again all my friends and family:
> THE LOST KINGDOM, my novel that's entered in the
> competition has a really good chance of making the finals. I got
> close to 180 downloads of the first chapter and lots of great
> comments, which really helped the book advance.
> But I need everybody'e help again! Even if you've already
> downloaded and left comments, please read below:
> The way the qualifications to get into the finals works is: the top
> ten highest ranked books get in. The way they determine the ranking
> is by people getting on, and then ranking the books in the
> competition by which one they like the best. (so even if you've
> gotten on and rated the book, get on again and RANK them! This is
> what counts for the next round.)
> THis doesn't mean you have to read all the books in the
> competition. If you'd like to read some of the others you can, but
> as long as you rank THE LOST KINGDOM as one of your choices
> (hopefully the first!), it will be entered.
> In order to rank, however, you have to create an account with
> Bookhabit. THey have sworn up and down that they won't spam anybody
> (I've had an account for three months now and have never gotten any
> spam mail from them) but I know some people are leery about signing
> up for things. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, that's ok,
> but if you can help me out, I'd really appreciate it too! The prize
> for this competition is $5000, but more importantly, it is a good
> stepping stone to getting my manuscript noticed by an agent.
> If my novel gets into the top ten, it will be reviewed, along with
> the other top ten novels, by a judging panel, and they will pick the
> winning book. So this is the last time I'll ask for help from
> everybody, but if you can, PLEASE help me out!! (I'm not to proud to
> beg!) And thanks to everybody in the last round that downloaded the
> first chapter (and some people downloaded the entire book--thank you
> mucho!) and especially those that left comments. If all you guys
> could get on again and rank the book, I'd be much obliged.
> Directions:
> 1. Go to, log in, then click on the "Competition
> Leaderboard" (it's on the right hand side of the page)
> 2. Find THE LOST KINGDOM on the list (hopefully it'll soon be close
> to the top!) Click on the name, it'll take you to my book's main
> page.
> 3. Under the large gold "Round 1" emblem on the right, you'll see a
> little blurb that says "rank the book in the competition here."
> Click on this link, and it will give you a listing of all the books
> in the competition. You can rank the books by clicking on the
> arrows next to all the books you've read (it's fairly self
> explanatory once you get to this point.)
> That's all you have to do!! And if you want to read the second
> chapter, just click on the "Download the First Chapter" button. It
> just says first chapter, but both chapters are there.
> If you have any qeustions, e-mail me, and thanks again in advance!
> ANd please pass this on to anyone I missed or you think would be
> interested in helping me out!
> (Oh, and check out my new website:!)
> Nikki Bennett