Feb 05, 2010 11:03
A whole of work and a whole lot of weirdness at the office lately.
We’ve had a rash of Polycom conference units go defective, and people have been coming to me for support. In every case there has been an odd story. The strangest is the woman who said hers didn’t work, but she didn’t have a complete unit, AND the part she had was also defective. That would be like walking into a car repair shop with a steering wheel and a broken tail light and asking why the car won’t start - it won’t start because you don’t have a complete car!
So I come back to my desk and a big box in on my desk labeled Polycom, so I’m think “Oh no… another dead one”. I open it up, and inside are three boxes. I open the biggest, the kind they were originally sold in and it’s… empty. I open the next biggest (looks like it should hold a wireless headset) and it’s also empty. I pull out the smallest box and, yes you guessed it … empty. Some unknown person gave me a box of empty boxes. *shakes head*
A day later, the courier drops off another huge box, and inside it is a bunch of boxes. The largest is the same box I sent out a defective one, and it contains the tested unit. Another box have the brand new power supply. Good, what I was expecting. As I go through the remaining three boxes… empty… empty… and once more for good measure, empty.
Apparently I am the repository for empty boxes.