Twitter can just go and, well ... twit off!

Aug 13, 2009 16:26

I’ve never figured out the attraction of twitter … frankly it’s a glorified IM tool and should just be a small app in a better website.

But my real complaint is real news outlets carrying “news” stories about twitter. Here are just some of the stories over the last 24 hours:

- Looking for a job? Try LinkedIn or Twitter (Reuters)
- Can the Twitterati help sell your soda pop? (CNN)
- Tweeting in labor: 'Epidural, yes please' (CNN)
- Facebook buys FriendFeed: Is this a big deal? (CNN) … this mentions buying Twitter
- Twitter, Facebook, caught in DDOS crossfire (Globe and Mail)

My major complaint is that these really aren’t news. The first two are practically ads … making me wonder if they were paid to run the stories. The “labor” one is another of those mindless ones that makes the application sound insanely stupid.

So… A couple guys here were exchanging one word e-mails. Basically a back and forth like:

Which got me thinking that I should create a new application to go up against Twitter. I’m calling it Snippet, and you get a maximum of 15 characters. Say what you want… but keep it short!
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