Encountered a really intriguing semi-literary meme with StumbleUpon, which came from
someone's blog having viewed a story on Flickr. Talk about being a round-about way of finding something! But still, I shall elucidate:
Ernest Hemingway was once prodded to compose a complete story in six words. His answer, personally felt to be his best prose ever, was "For sale: baby shoes, never used." Some people say it was to settle a bar bet. Others say it was a personal challenge directed at other famous authors.
The blogger requested that her own readers: "write a six word story and post it in the comments". I think this is a lovely idea, something for everyone to have a go at. Here's one of mine for your delectation, to get the ball rolling:
Proud; she wept for her son.
I may yet do some more, I think this might be a good bit of short writing practice. :)