Sep 28, 2006 21:13
the question isnt "did american soldiers leave americans to die in iraq?'
it is why do americans stand for americans dying every fucking day in iraq?
this country at one time might have been worth saving i thought. i dont feel that way at all anymore. this is such a sad state of affairs. republicans are now calling everyone who doesnt agree with them terrorist and god hating. i believe in the bible, (that fucking book so many republicans run this country by, the thousands of years of outdated scriptures written by middle eastern people who we now slaughter) says something about judging people. thats right it says dont judge people. and now im a terriorist. jerry fucking falwell, who is suppose to be the uber-christian, said something along the lines of he would rather have lucifer himself as president over hilary clinton. who looks like the god hating dipshit now. last time i checked christian hated lucifer ( even though they wouldnt have a religion without him). THESE are the type of people we have in the dark rooms of the white house, THESE are the fucks on W's shoulders whispering what to do into his ear. the gay hating, minority hating, misogynists. tim lahaye, joel osteen, doug hagee, white, rich, "god" fearing.
our country is balancing on a pile of lies.
gas drops 30 cents and W's approval rating flies up 15%. what do we care about, money, oil. people die everyday but as long as gas is cheap we are ok.
10 million children are un-insured, uneducated, starving. but 1.99 gas is all we care about. we rank low in the world of industrialized countries in caring for our citizens, our children, our future, but we rank number one in nuclear capabilities and nuclear stock-piling (because apparently americans still to this day are building atomic weapons. as if 10s of thousands of nuclear bombs were not enough.)
they hide from us documents that tells us things that they do not want us to hear. the N.I.E report says american occupation in iraq has increased terrorism (no shit sherlock). the republicans deny this, saying it was taking out of context, but will not declassify the whole document. why is that? it has become clear to me in the past few years they do not care about citizens, just the money they can line there pockets with. thats why people get there medication from canada because it is cheap and they do not lobby to republicans to get more money for there CEOs and presidents.
immigration, now get this, farmers are crying about the millions of dollars of crops they are losing because the lack of migrant workers. because no fucking white farmers will get off there ass and go gather there own crops. so they whine about the people who "took our job" not doing there job. they whine about the people they hate not doing the work they barely pay them to do.
this country was built on the backs of the ones they hate. chinese, african-american, mexicans. cheap migrant workers built this country being whipped by the people who run the country today.
dont get me wrong, i hate republican we all know this. democrats are just as worse. they pussy foot around congress getting whipped on, walked over, shit-talked every god damned day of there lives. i hate them for just rolling over. if you stand for something, fucking stand for something. you just fucking whine about it. and thats it. you finally gained your seat of power by scamming your way to the top just like everybody else, but now you dont use it for good. or use it at all.
america is a sinking ship where there only enough life boats for the people at the top. a titanic of a country who has proved to the world in its short period of time on earth that we can sink the unsinkable.