
Aug 15, 2004 01:41

Today, my Bostonite friend Kris and I bought tickets to go visit Seth in Japan! Now I just have to hope that my expedited passport renewal gets back to me fast enough for me to actually go... It would really suck to have just blown a thousand dollars on the passport business and tickets only to have to sit here in Columbus while Kris goes without me. My departure date is August 25, and I just sent my forms off on the 13th. Silly me, I didn't realize that passport stuff required mailing things off into a sea of bureaucracy and waiting unspecified numbers of days. I thought it was something I could go into some government building to do in person in the space of a couple hours. So, we'll see... Expediting means overnight delivery both ways, and presumably being put in the smaller "high priority / expensive" pile at the agency. How many days could it really take?

That's what I'll keep telling myself. Yup. Everything's fine. No worries.

Upon looking at my receipts and such, I just realized that my forms were sent to the "New Orleans Passport Agency", located in... Pittsburgh. There's a New Orleans Passport Agency in New Orleans also. I can't help but wonder why they have another location in a different city but didn't just call it the Pittsburgh Passport Agency. This is the sort of thing that I wish would be addressed in website FAQs but never is. ::sigh::

Tonight I learned to play Domaine (which was meh) and Settlers of Catan (which was cool).

travel, non-video games

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