On Saturday one of my college roommates got married. Dan still lives in Columbus, but we hardly ever manage to get together. The wedding was in
Troy, OH, which is less than two hours' drive from here. It's also where my friend (also from my college days) Sarah's parents live, so I rode up there with her, and we spent the night at their house afterwards. It was a nice town.
This wedding was probably the most pleasant one I've attended, mainly because there were so many guests who I knew, rather than just one, or zero. All my college roomies were there, as were most of my main group of friends from those years, and it was nice to see them all again. Brilliantly, it didn't occur to me to actually take pictures of said friends. I'm really bad at remembering to take pictures of the people I'm with when I go places. We did a few group photos with other people's cameras, so I'm sure I'll get copies eventually.
I really wanted to wear the
Catbus tie tack I got in Japan with my suit for the wedding, and spent at least twenty minutes on Saturday morning looking around for it. I couldn't imagine where I might have put it... I worried that I might have *lost* it somehow, maybe one of the times I was carting around my souvenirs to show to people. Eventually I just gave up and went tack-less. (I thought about wearing my Ghostbusters one, but, I'd had my heart set on Catbus.)
Saturday night when I was changing back into my casual clothes, I noticed there was something in the breast pocket of my suit's shirt, and of course, it was the very tie tack I'd been looking for. Obviously I put it in the shirt pocket to make sure it would be with my suit the next time I wore it. Good thing I remembered that.
In one of the few recent times that I did see Dan recently, he and his friend Mike taught me to play
HeroScape, which Graham and I had been sort of curious about for a while. I liked it, so this weekend Graham and I bought a set and played for a while on Friday night. I think we need to find an expansion set to make the games a little more varied, as the number of pieces included in the master set isn't quite large enough to let you really mix things up a lot.