Dream journal!

Nov 17, 2004 10:39

I can be cool like jameel and tell you about a dream I was just having. Although it's not very interesting. Or detailed. But I remember a little bit.

For one thing, I know part of it involved me looking for a copy of the new Metroid game, which came out on Monday and I don't have yet. Clearly this is important to me. I was also looking for cereal. I sorta wanted Boo Berry but I settled for Count Chocula. But the weird part is that I was in some recurring settings. I frequently go back to these same made-up locations in my dreams. The one I was in was this weird double-store which on the right side sells various stuff (this time it had video games and groceries) and on the left side is a comic book store, usually The Laughing Ogre, although it doesn't look like the Ogre. I just sort of know that it is the Ogre, and Gib works there, so clearly it must be.

The floorplan of this double store is always the same... it's in a strip mall kind of thing with a large overhang out front to shelter people from the elements. The store on the right is long in the direction you're facing when you enter, but not that wide. The adjoining store is squareish, and its entrance (from the outside) must be further back than the other one's, because together they're kind of L shaped. They didn't used to be connected to each other, I think. It's like they cut through the wall between the two and put a portal there so you could go back and forth. And they're not under the same owner or anything. They just have a way to go between them.

There is another comic store I used to dream about, and I guess it must have originally been some incarnation of Patty's Paperbacks, the store I went to as a kid in Indiana, PA, although I think it eventually became the New England Comics I went to in Boston, and might have even been the Ogre a couple times. It's small and... I don't know... old fashioned or something. The comics are on these double-sided magazine racks that are on freestanding wooden tables (with empty air underneath... not an efficient use of store space). Most of my memories of this store involve me looking for particular issues of things that I missed, and not being able to find them.

Why was I dreaming about the comic store? Did I know subconsciously that it was Tuesday night, coming up on New Comic Day, and I was dreaming it in anticipation? I don't recall much about the visit to the store(s), aside from my Mom being with me because she was visiting town. I do think it's funny that I dreamed about trying to find Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, though, because man, I want that game so bad... I will not rest today until I have a copy.

In Transformers news, I found the three basic-size combiners on Monday that I still needed, and yesterday Walky brought me home an Alternators Meister to pay me back for the hardback comic collection I got for him when he was in California. And I just realized that I forgot AGAIN to set my VCR to tape Energon... it's been doing new episodes for two and a half weeks, and I have only seen the one of them which Walky downloaded. It's not like I don't want to see the new episodes... I just... I guess I don't want to enough to remember to record them. Or something. Grrr.

transformers, comics, video games

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