I was watching 2x13 The Client of the The Office last night and at the beginning Ryan brings in Michael's dry cleaning (which is his lucky tie and a pair of Levi Jeans.) Pam asks for the jeans and goes on to say that Michael loves these jeans...it made me start thinking about just how good Steve Carell looks in jeans...and that I would love to see his without his shirt and shoes on in only a pair of stone-washed jeans (he could also have a small beard)...and then puts on a hat and sunglasses...yes I am very weird thank you.
(Pic Spam at my journal to prove my point)
csi-coolbeans.livejournal.com/ EDIT:
I found this video...
Well is isn't in jeans, but he is shirtless...I really dont know what to say about it.
I also added a couple new pictures to my picspam