I already wrote about part of
yesterday, then didn't get around to writing a summary for the rest of the day.
My father dropped by early yesterday afternoon (and again today). It's nice to see him regularly.
Late in the day, I got grocery lists from both "
J" and a housebound friend for Costco. It was very busy, but I was still able to find just about everything on the list pretty quickly. They were out of store brand toilet paper, but had a lot of some other brand, so that will have to do.
After dropping off our own groceries at home, since there were some cold things, I went to visit my friend, the same one who needed groceries
last week. We talked for a long time outside her building, and got a bit cold. It was nice to talk though; she in particular is short of in-person interactions, due to being mostly homebound.
Saturday post-quarantine report: one visitor, Costco, friend's home (outdoors).
Sunday post-quarantine report: home all day, one visitor.