This evening, "J" and I changed into nicer clothes and went to a church for a concert by the
Medieval Women's Choir, which we were attending with our friend "N". We got lucky on traffic and parking (the church's reserved parking hadn't filled). The performance was a collection of medieval music with the theme "Sun, Moon, and Stars". My favorite pieces were those featuring the soloists. The most familiar piece was "
O Fortuna", part of the Carmina Burana - but it wasn't the version everyone has heard with the Carl Orff score; instead it was set to medieval music. In spite of having heard "O Fortuna" with the medieval music, I was humming the Carl Orff music on the walk back to the car.
After the show, N suggested caffeine and sugar. We headed to Dilettante. I tried something I hadn't tasted there before, the Strawberry Chantilly; it was delicious, and something I'll probably order again. (I passed on the caffeine that late in the evening.) J had a German chocolate cake and coffee. I forget what N had, except that she finished with a chocolate coffee drink of some sort. The people-watching was good, even for Dilettante on a Saturday night; most amusing was a young woman with fake eyelashes longer than her nose. I pointed her out to J, who had already noticed the eyelashes; they were that conspicuous.
After the dessert, we gave N a ride home, then continued home ourselves.