While I was visiting family in Nebraska this winter, I found a couple of pictures of myself as a kid, both involving music in one way or another. They had a lot of sentimental value, so I took the opportunity to scan copies for myself. Since I happen to think they're kinda cute I thought I'd share them here, but out of consideration for others I'll put them behind cuts. (Is it more or less obnoxious to subject unwilling people to baby pictures of yourself?)
The first picture was in the Great Falls, Montana Tribune when I was two years old (1978, I guess). My parents were walking me through the park, and I got excited about the Great Falls Municipal Band performing nearby. I guess I was intrigued by the conductor, because I picked up a stick and started mimicking him. As I recall the story (no promises), I attracted a bit of attention, and (this is the part I might be getting wrong) the conductor noticed and stepped aside for a minute, leaving me "in charge". I think that's when the photographer from the newspaper took these shots.
I'm just sad that the newspaper clipping disappeared for so long: it was fairly faded, and this is the best I've been able to do with the picture.
Years later (probably around fifth grade or so?) I had just finished a concert in a Lincoln, Nebraska boys' choir, Pueri Cantores (that's our red vest and clip-on tie below). I was very proud of myself and undoubtedly enjoying the attention from my family, when all of a sudden my annoying little sister tried to get into my picture. I'm sure I tried to push her out of the way, but whoever was taking the picture made me share the spotlight. I did, but that didn't mean I had to be happy about it.