I'm teaching a First Year Seminar class this fall entitled "Time Travel in Science and Literature", and I'm looking for suggestions on the "Literature" part. I honestly don't know how much reading is reasonable to assign in this context, so my main request here is for short story suggestions. (I'm also considering a couple of short-ish books:
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Thanks, all.
"Goes into the rather asine utilitarian justificaiton (no tech growth without global war!)"
Maybe it's asinine, maybe not, but nowhere do I say that SilverFox316 is correct. The character's mistakes are not necessarily the author's.
"If Killing Hitler = No Time Travel then how do you go back and fix things after each person kills him?"
These time machines operate on a combination of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure rules (time spent in the past equals time elapsed in the future, aka The Clock In San Dimas Is Always Running) and Back to the Future rules (changes take time to become permanent; i.e. they have until the "photograph" fades to undo them). The latter rule addresses Ludon's question.
I'm not saying my time travel makes complete sense, just that it doesn't make much less sense than anyone else's time travel. (Or I might just invoke Rule of Funny, and point out that this story isn't really about time travel anyway...)
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