Modulo 1000's 'Nao Fale Com Paredes' has managed to pacify my horrible moods, while under the stress involving my horrible academic situation, which is now rectified. I should note that Modulo 1000 is a 70s Brazilian experimental, psychadelic, synth-rock band and I recommend them to everyone. I've been recently engulfing myself in late 60s/early 70s experimental rock outfits, along the lines of them. It's been fantastic.
As for my academic situation, I've been readmitted to BSC for the fall, pending re-orientation, a number of advisory meanings, and academic probation. Being that my GPA is under 2.0, I have to raise it above that mark or face a second separation and the subsequent self immolation. I'll be starting a betting pool for when I freak out and stop going to classes again.
I've become obsessed with determining why my delightful Yashica FX-3, born in 1979, destroys my film. I don't believe I would be suprised to come to find that 'yashica' stands for a polyethylene product devouring monster. On a related note, does anyone wish to give(or loan) me a tripod suitable for said camera? It would be awesome if someone did.
I feel I should also mention Landing's record 'Sphere'. Somehow I managed to not listen to this record at all when I first got it, or maybe it didn't make a strong first impression. Regardless, if you're into unobstrusive melodies and soothing vocals played over effect laddened guitar driven soundscapes, you'll surely shit yourself with delight over them. If you're not into that, screw.