Tracie (Paky) and I (Jellybeam) were apparently voted on by our guild officers to be the Guild Members of the Month! We both respec'd a few months ago and have found renewed gusto for our toons, so we've been more active in the guild, and definitely more outspoke about how htings are being done. Especially after we had a crisis of faith and left, before quickly returning because we missed our guildies too much to care that they weren't raiding. Things have gotten a lot better though, and I guess they've apreciated our input. :) And we get free enchants and gems, coutesy of the guild bank! :D So there was a post of the forums and everything, its pretty cool.
I didn't know why Jet (a guildie) was taking screen shots of us, otherwise I would have been flexing too!
And counting down.... FOUR more days left to work at Petco. Yargh!