hey friends!
well today i hung out with friends that i haven't hung out with in 32980985904386093 years.
It was so fun. Me & arielle did a cover of "Today" by The Smashing Pumpkins. We danced to the Beastie Boys in her room. Watched Home Videos & Watched Passions & ate cookie dough with whipped cream on it.
& steve came. him & Arielle were humping each other so i hit him in the face with a candy cane. pwn3d. & i was relentlessly throwing stuff at him.
Then Jasmine, Jana & Nicky came. Nicky was only intrested in the big screen TV & pizza.
Tom & Andrew came but they soon left to go see paramore, halifax & some other band that sucks. Tom makes the best noises.
Well, we started watching some movie nicky wanted to watch & elephant when we changed that movie to this movie that steve thought was the greatest because it was so stupid. Lawrence Fishborne was in it. So was Ja Rule. I don't remember the movie but it was so retarded!
Then, me & steve had another throwing match. & we got candycane everywhere.
Then, Nicky went a website that had this guy that had torrets & the guy was just screaming random profanities. sooooo funny.
After that, Steve & Arielle made me this sweet hat made out of paper plate & a Scarf. It had a chin strap. I wish i kept it.
Then Jasmine drove me home & she's the best driver.
++++ supposidly, Nicky sounds like
jeffree star because he sometimes talks like micheal jackson & jefree just looks cool.