Mar 07, 2007 16:11
Classic moment on Irish TV:
Red-haired, Glenroe-esque sex symbol and Afternoon Show presenter Blathnaid Ní Chofaigh hands over to Gráinne and Joe in the Seoige and O'Shea (SOS by name...) studio for their daily 'so what are you doing on your show, beautiful people?' slot.
Glamourpuss Grá and gormless Joe beam back, and Granna's dulcet tones tell us that they'll be interviewing the contestants for Alternative Miss Ireland. The camera angle widens to show the drag queens, who immediately start cackling. Gráinne laughs along, and showing remarkable astuteness, mutters something about the glamour-count being particularly high in the studio.
At this point, one of the queens shrieks "I want to know where Blathnaid got her hair!". Seoige acts the consummate professional, but with a glint of cattiness, says "I'm sure she'll tell you in a minute", finishes her link, then hands poor Blath back the line, "So Blathnaid, where did you get your hair?!"
Blathnaid laughs icily. "Sorry girls, it's all mine..."
It's sad that this really is the best that Irish daytime tv has to offer. In fairness to the queen, we were all thinking it...