I've got tagged by
zappafloozie and as always I cannot possibly resist a meme like this - or any meme for that matter.
"RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs. We only tag because we love."
1 - I can't touch wet wood. It gives me the creeps and sends ugly shivers down my spine. Not quite sure why but there you go.
2 - I only have three cousins, all boys and I only know one of them. Aren't people supposed to have loads of them?
3 - When I was in high school I won an essay competition set by a french magazine. We weren't the most eager students but we obviously had a sense of humour. I can't quite remember the details but the story was about strawberry yogurt and how there weren't enough strawberries in the world for all the yogurts produced. Because we were having too much fun while writing it we were given a really bad grade by our teacher. The story got sent off and translated into French and somehow ended up being hilarious. We won first prize and the teacher had to give us the top mark. I am still gloating - he was a twat!
4 - I have never had any kind of surgery (and now I am frantically touching wood).
5 - I burnt myself really badly (REALLY badly) on a ...HOT WATER BOTTLE (I know!). I fell asleep on it and in the morning half my leg was missing.
6 - I am completely and utterly addicted to the wondernet - but I guess that doesn't really come as a surprise to anyone. I should say that I actually display slight OCD symptoms when it comes to it, you know such as checking emails every five minutes etc...
7 - When I was 18 I fell in love with an English boy. Ever since I've had an inexplicable obsession with England. I spent all my holidays in London, I travelled around Britain for several months and I finally moved to this country and have lived here ever since. I hadn't seen him for 15 years until recently. Even though I don't believe in romance, faith, destiny, soulmates, and the one true love it was all that - quite amazing really.
8 - When I was a kid I used to do dub TV commercials and kids programmes. I didn't make a lot of dosh tho...
9 - I have had several other strange jobs in my life: I delivered mail (postman-woman), worked for the Swiss equivalent of 118 (telephone-monkey), promoted a healthy diet dressed as a vegetable for Roche (carrot-girl), served food in a sausage restaurant (bangers and mash - anyone?)...
10 - I once nearly won the lottery. Not the lottery but the extra number you get on the ticket. You have to pay for that too and I was too tight. Had I paid I would have won the equivalent of £5000. No I am not bitter - AT ALL.
There you go! Some random facts about moi. Only took up half my morning at work but never mind... Could I please have some too
reindeerskin, and since I don't have anymore friends listed could people who read this and are not yet signed up consider themselves tagged and take the opportunity to sign up please! Yes that's *you*.