Mar 27, 2007 22:36
If I had wanted a demotivational speech, I would have talked to my mother-in-law. Thanks, mom.
Understandably, one should set their sights on numerous things, but she has been so damn unsuppotive of what I want to do I fucking give up.
Brentsville, a high school in the county that's about 25 minutes away, is run by my favorite high school hisytory teacher-turned principal. And, one of my GMU teachers works there. I wanted DESPERATELY for a position to open up there last summer. Mr. carter and Mr. Prifti are the best. There is an opening for next year in the English department and I'm pretty sure I can get it, especially after listening to Mr. Carter for YEARS in high school "I can't wait to see you walking these halls as a teacher, Miss Sincere..."
Battlefield, another high school in the county, just posted a part time English job for next year.
I really want to persue the community college teaching degree (Masters) Badly. It's what I want to do... but there's not a chance in Hell I can knock it out in a year, let alone as a full time teacher in 2. I know I don't have it in me. But maybe this part time thing...?
Gah. i don't know. But talking to my mother, as usual, isn't helpful. Not that the advice, per the title, isn't correct and constructive, but it's her damned attitude about it. Don't sit there and tell me you just can't fathom giving me advice then chew my ear off for a half hour telling me about how much dad was a let down with the career choices he made. (insert 15 year old ruffled feathers attitude here: Don't you have a tennant in our basement she should be fucking, than giving me shit at 10pm? /end immaturity).
I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Baka. I want to make the right choice, and I never make the right choice. It seems like these things I think are PERFECT for me, blow up in my face... aoh lord now I sound emo.
brb-- playing Kill Helena and slitting my wrists =\
ok, maybe it will all seem clearer after a good night's rest... right? Right. Sure.